Local physical education teachers spent their professional development day at the Sport for Life Centre for a “Tennis in Schools” presentation led by Tennis Manitoba’s Robert Kennedy and Nash Bockstael on...
TENNIS CANADA – Oct. 28, 2024 The National Bank Play Your Court Program continues to grow, with plans to provide four more municipalities with funding to revitalize public tennis...
Manitoba Community Tennis Leagues Now Available! Do you want to play more friendly tennis matches? Meet new playing partners at a similar level? Trackyour scores, progress, and even win...
The wait is over! Tennis Manitoba’s 2023 summer tournament schedule is officially here. Stay tuned to tennismanitoba.com and future newsletters for more information on all these events. 2023 Summer...
Tennis Manitoba is looking for Assistant Tournament Directors for the upcoming 2023 tournament season. For more information on the position, contact mark@tennismanitoba.com