The Canada Summer Games are coming to Winnipeg! Tennis Manitoba is looking for interested players in representing Team Manitoba in Winnipeg from August 5-13, 2017. We will need a training team of maximum 12 players (a combination of boys and girls) to begin preparations this fall.
The Canada Summer Games tennis event is a unique competition where players compete for their province in a team event. It has been a great experience for players aspiring to play university tennis. Many Team Manitoba players have gone on to secure American university athletic scholarships, including: Muzeen Ismath, Kylie Waschuk, Evann Waschuk, Sean Bailey, Alan Gardiner, Shane Nicholls and Alex Lesiuk.
Tennis Manitoba will hold a free information camp on Friday, September 9 from 5-7 pm site TBA, followed by a parents meeting. There is no fee for the camp and all interested players must register by phone (204-925-5660) or by email to Jared Connell at jared@tennismanitoba.com no later than Monday, September 5, 2016. If registering by email, we ask that you include the athlete’s name, date of birth, address, parent’s name, telephone number and email address.
The intention of the 2017 Canada Summer Games tennis program, as it is a special event, is that the training provided is a supplement to the athlete’s current training. All athletes interested must be in a recognized High Performance Program, name a personal coach, and provide an annual plan for approval on request.
The final team will be comprised of 2 boys and 2 girls born in 1999 (final year U18 in 2017) and 2 boys and 2 girls born in 2001 or younger (final year U16 or younger in 2017). Team members will be competing in boys’/girls’ singles and boys’/girls’ doubles.
At the parents meeting immediately following the on-court portion of the camp, financial information including player’s fees and training expectations will be discussed. The full training schedule will be released at the meeting. A summary of the training opportunities include:
- Monthly indoor on-court 2hr training sessions
- Weekly outdoor on-court 2hr training sessions after the end of the school year
- Weekly team fitness sessions
- Fitness testing
- Mental training sessions
Travel opportunities: Tennis Manitoba Florida Tour -November 2016; Junior Open Series Stanley Park Tournament-July 2017
For more information on the 2017 Canada Summer Games: www.canadagames.ca/sports