Tennis Manitoba will be offering an introductory level instructor course on June 20th to 23rd, for those that wish to be involved teaching tennis in parks and recreation programs, or seasonal clubs. The course is part of a national coaching certification program offered by Tennis Canada. Certified instructors are able to teach tennis anywhere in Canada, and are eligible to participate in advanced certification courses.

Upon completion of the course, instructors will be able to:

  • teach pre-planned content to beginners (1.0 – 2.5 level player), and 
  • run cooperative drills on 1-3 courts.

The course will be taught by a course facilitator from Tennis Canada. Upon successful completion of this course, attendees will be provided a membership to the Tennis Professionals Association.

Dates: June 20 – 23, 2013
Times: 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Place: Winnipeg location, TBA
Fee: $350 *
Course registration is available online at Please contact Tennis Manitoba should you require additional information.